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Philip B. Crosby, one of the great gurus of quality, argued as follows:

"The problem of quality management is not what people don't know about it. The problem is what the think they do know.

Quality has much in common with sex. Everyone is for it. (Under certain conditions of, course.) Everyone feels they understand it. (Even though they wouldn't want to explain it.) Everyone thinks execution is only a matter of following natural inclinations. (After all, we do get along somehow.) And, of course, most people feel that all problems in these areas are caused by other people. (If only they would take time to do things right.)

In a world where half the marriages end in divorce or separation, such assumptions are open to question".

It's difficult to start a discussion meaningful, real and concrete on sex, quality or other complex subjects, if you do not examine and change some basic assumptions incorrect.

The only people who are generally willing to do that are those who are ready to admit that they are in difficulty or who have an intellectual interest in change.

It is quite obvious that anyone working in the field of quality applied to organisations, can meet continuously on its way so many "ISO-sceptical-men" who, while they do not know anything of this topic, enjoy to shoot at zero elevation on its principles and on the philosophy that lies behind them.

All these prejudices, accompanied by sceptics and defeatist attitudes, born, most often, in a substantial lack of fund and reinforce thanks to the stories of those who have already embarked on the path towards quality making the mistake of living standards as the "panacea" ("cure-all") and Quality manager as an "Aladdin" able to make problems disappear simply rubbing the magic lamp.

There is a lot of literature that collects the doubts, misgivings and fears that people have faced with this instrument which is a simple collection of rules that teach us to work properly.

Quality is an instrument of organization and is able to offer "only" guidelines to be followed to review the way we work and the tools to deal with everyday problems, certainly not the personal responses that certain organizations would like.

If you try, however, to analyse in depth, the suggestions that come from knowledge of Quality management system, you will see that it can help us find solutions to our problems.

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